Some of the realized projects
Analysis, Assessment, Complete studies, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Pedestrians, Public transport, Research, Street design
PhD examining barriers to walking in a car-centric city examining experiences of disabled and non-disabled people; objective features; guidelines; and professionals' views
Analysis, Decision support, Pedestrians, Research
Urban environments and transport systems can enable and encourage walking, and therefore play a key role in climate action, public...
Analysis, Pedestrians, Public transport
This study “mined” the Auckland Transport Active Modes survey, in which participants reported on potential incentives and barriers to walking...
Analysis, Pedestrians
Systematic review of reviews examining the notion of walkability and the understanding of the associations between built environment and walking.
Analysis, Assessment, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Pedestrians, Public transport, Territory
This project aimed to assess the urban state highways through Hamilton, New Zealand, from the perspective of people on foot...
Analysis, Pedestrians, Street design
The City in Movement Institute (IVM) is leading the project Passages, transitional spaces for the 21st century, an investigation-action in...
Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Concertation / Change, Pedestrians, Public transport, Sectorial proposals, Street design, Territory, Traffic
Mendoza’s conurbation (1.7 million inhabitants, located in the western part of Argentina, at the foot of the Andean mountain range)...
Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Pedestrians, Public transport, Street design, Territory, Traffic
Analyse du diagnostic existant, propositions méthodologiques et pistes pour le plan directeur, synthèse.
30 km/h zones, Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Multimodal Interfaces, Pedestrians, Public transport, Sectorial proposals, Street design, Territory, Traffic
Argentinian town La Rioja (170’000 inhabitants) is located in the North-Western part of the country, in a very sparsely populated...
Bicycle, Multimodal Interfaces, Pedestrians, Public transport, Sectorial proposals, Shared streets, Street design, Traffic
Réorganisation de l'interface transports publics en relation avec la nouvelle offre train et bus. Amélioration du confort et de la lisibilité.
Analysis, Assessment, Concertation / Change, Pedestrians, Sectorial proposals, Street design, Territory, Traffic
Identification des problèmes et propositions d'aménagement
Assessment, Bicycle, Decision support, Multimodal Interfaces, Pedestrians, Public transport, Street design, Territory
The regional railway line Nyon – Saint-Cergue (NStCM) was to be adapted to integrate with the future evolutions of the...
30 km/h zones, Analysis, Bicycle, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Multimodal Interfaces, Pedestrians, Public transport, Shared streets, Street design, Territory, Traffic
Etayer les prévisions pour un projet novateur, mettre en évidence les points d’attention, les critères de succès et les enseignements.
Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Multimodal Interfaces, Pedestrians, Public transport, Sectorial proposals, Shared streets, Street design, Territory
Gland, Switzerland is located on the lake of Geneva, between Geneva and Lausanne, and serviced by frequent train connections to...
Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Complete studies, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Environmental impact studies, Pedestrians, Sectorial proposals, Street design, Traffic
Transportation-related tasks related to a few environmental impact assessment studies, mainly: The following references are projects on which Tamara Bozovic...
30 km/h zones, Bicycle, Pedestrians, Shared streets, Territory
Classes for the students of the Engineering Schools of Geneva and Lausanne (HES-SO), constituting an element of the Transportation Planning...
30 km/h zones, Analysis, Assessment, Bicycle, Concertation / Change, Decision support, Pedestrians, Sectorial proposals, Shared streets, Street design, Territory, Traffic
The redesign project worked on the balance in the public space sharing between the different transport modes and the necessary...
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