Teaching: pedestrian and bicycle planning
Classes for the students of the Engineering Schools of Geneva and Lausanne (HES-SO), constituting an element of the Transportation Planning course. The aim was to present the planning bases for the soft modes:
- The challenges for the different types of planning and the different territorial scales
- The planning process for the soft modes
- The different publics to be taken into account and their specific needs
- The reglementations
- The important elements for the different types of infrastructure in terms of security, confort and legibility, especially for the disabled
- The 30 km/h zones and the shared streets from the points of view of the pedestrians and cyclist
- Bikes and pedestrian: shared or mixed infrastructure? contexts, attention points, realization possibilities
- Bike parking and bike sharing systems
The classes were given by Tamara Bozovic in 2013 and 2014. Picture: HES-SO.
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