Masterplan for Lausanne’s public transport network
The project was led between 2005 and 2008 and coordinated with the agglomeration plan. The work included:
- A diagnosis of the existing situation – offer gaps, saturations, inefficiently used lines, …
- A middle- and long-term demand prevision, considerating the planned urban developments and will of an important modal shift
- The formalisation of the necessary characteristics for the offer in order to address the coverage and modal split objectives
- The generation of variants families and an iterative evaluation process
- A 2014 masterplan, with the estimate of the operating costs
- The proposal of a sequential implementation strategy
- The proposal of a first implementation step (December 2010 offer)
The project was led by Lausanne’s operating company, Transports publics de la région lausannoise SA, in coordination with the agglomeration project development (PALM). A work group constituted by technicians of the concerned municipalities has followed and validated the project’s important steps.
The work was realized by Tamara Bozovic from 2006. Illustrations: all rights reserved.
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