BYPAD (Bicycle Policy Audit) is a european methodology developed in order to address the different aspects of the cycling policy of a city in order to propose an operational actions plan for the future developments. The process relies for a large part on the inputs of a local work group (deciders, technicians and users), gathered through auto-assessment and workshops. More than 200 cities have been audited until now.
Bulle is a 20.000 inhabitants Swiss town located in Gruyère and Switzerland’s 4th BYPAD locality. The work has followed the established process and included:
This first BYPAD audit was a challenge and an inspiring experience, mainly thanks to the excellent work dynamic in the workshops and the achievement of a shared, ambitious and feasable actions plan. Tamara Bozovic led this project for Citec Ingénieurs Conseils. Illustrations: BYPAD / personal schemes, photo:
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