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60 years of car-influenced street design, in the Midwest

Oklahoma University’s Institute for Quality Comunities has carried out a striking before / after analysis of the street design evolution for some cities of the Amerian Midwest, and showed the tremendous impact of the car on the planning. In the interactive examples, the change in…

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Pedestrian infrastructure redesign for the Roca / Perú intersection, Buenos Aires

A few years ago, Buenos Aires began a program of pedestrian infrastructure improvement. Pedestrian priority is being implemented in the very central area (microcentro) – pedestrianisations, 10 km/h limitations, intersection redesigns through “New York type” measures: paint, posts and urban furniture, expanding the pedestrian’s domain…

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Use the street

Use the street

Seen in Buenos Aires: an alternative cultural center organizes a film projection in the street, the wall being used as a screen and the spectators seated on a lane, without any sign of problem or protest. The action is even more interesting as the shown…

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Plan directeur de Sao Paulo

Plan directeur de Sao Paulo

Sao Paulo partait de loin, en termes d’aménagement du territoire. Ghettoïsation extrême dans les favelas, où vivent 1.3 millions de personnes et risques: plus de 800 incendies entre 2005 et 2012, peu d’intervention des systèmes de secours, des dommages gigantesques. Le sujet devient un thème…

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